217 \\ NEUROSCIENCE SERIES | Overcome Negative Thoughts & Unlock Business Success + Growth in Your Coaching Business.

Bibles, Babies, & Business - Christian Entrepreneur, Stay at Home Mom, Coaching Business, Making Money Online, Marketing and Sales Strategies

Mar 18 2024 • 18 mins

😔 "No one is paying attention to my content."

😫 "Getting clients is so HARD."

😭 "There's no way this business is going to work out for me."

Ever catch yourself spiraling in negative thoughts? (I FOR SURE HAVE)

Well here's a little secret about your brain:

You naturally have a 9X negativity bias. This means your brain is designed to be more aware of what's going WRONG, rather than what's going RIGHT.

& if you don't learn how to control this aspect of human neuroscience, it could be the downfall of your business.

Press play on this episode & learn how your brain is wired to look for the bad (even if there is plenty of GOOD happening too)!

Xoxo, Camie

P.S. Let this episode also be a reminder that you might just be farther along in your journey to success than you think 😉

⚡️ [FREE TRAINING] Learn the 4 secrets to get more high-paying clients in your coaching business! P.S. JOIN HIGH-TICKET POWERHOUSE & BE GUARANTEED TO CLOSE NEARLY $14,000 💵 ⬇️ https://www.camiewilke.com/opt-in-page-vsl

🔥 Follow me on Instagram for even more content on neuroscience, sales, & negotiation tactics! ⬇️ https://www.instagram.com/camie.wilke/