37. Understanding the impacts of home isolation with Katrina McCarter

Marketing To Mums

Aug 11 2020 • 17 mins

No one could have predicted just how challenging 2020 was going to be. Covid19 and extended periods of home isolation in many regions of the world has dramatically altered mothers’ behaviours. These changes, many of which are long term, are proving particularly challenging for brands. In this episode your host, Katrina McCarter, shares some of the key findings of the Marketing to Mums’ #ISOMums study into more than 1350 mothers. She identifies key insights from the report and shares some surprises findings which may provide new opportunities for brands. Her #ISOMums report is significant as it provides insights into important behavioural changes which can assist brands update their strategies and messaging.

For show notes head to: https://marketingtomums.com.au/podcast/ep37-with-katrina-mccarter-understanding-the-impacts-of-home-isolation