Why You Need Radical Responsibility To Get To Your Next Level

Online Marketing for Pilates Teachers

May 4 2022 • 29 mins

We've all had the clients who said they wanted a certain transformation yet didn't follow through on their end. They started ghosting you, canceling sessions, not coming as often... then your worst fear comes true. They say they are unhappy with your service because they aren't getting the results they want!

This applies often to teachers I speak with who are unsure about hiring me, they have done programs before but didn't get results. They thought the problem was the program.

What I know to be true (because I've been guilty of this in my OWN business), is that it's never the program, it's us not showing up, following through or implementing the tools we are learning.

Listen in today as I share 7 ways to start taking radical responsibility for your business so your can get closer to the results you want each and every day and feel confident that you're moving forward.

Forward this episode to a friend as well, and let's change not only our lives and business but apply this to our clients results too. ❤️

Having additional sources of income is so important for Pilates teachers in our new economy.

To learn more about building an online Pilates program that could help you earn more while working less, fill out this form and book a call to chat with Stephanie to see if working together is the best fit for you.