Serial Entrepreneur Reveals HOW To Build A Prosperous Sales Career | Jim Packard & Brandon Eastman

The Be Better Broadcast

Apr 12 2024 • 51 mins

You're either born a salesperson or you're not.

Well, kind of. 😅

It all goes back to the Stanford marshmallow study.

The Stanford marshmallow experiment, conducted in 1970 by Walter Mischel, explored delayed gratification by offering children a choice between a small immediate reward or a larger one if they waited, finding that those who delayed gratification had more favorable life outcomes in various measures.

The researchers found that children who were able to wait longer for the reward tended to have better life outcomes, as measured by SAT scores, educational attainment, body mass index (BMI), and other life measures.

Sales is the same way: can you WAIT for a greater reward down the line? Or, do you prefer the immediate satisfaction of what's in front of you?

If you're WIRED to enjoy immediate satisfaction, is there any hope?

My friend Jim Packard believes the answer is an astounding "YES!"

Whether or not you're 'wired' for sales, you CAN be successful. You just need the right tools.

Jim's got the tools!

Jim Packard is a serial entrepreneur. In the traditional business sector, he turned a $500 investment into a 17-million-dollar/year enterprise.

He is the author of “The Consistency Chain”, which has helped thousands of people grow & scale their network marketing businesses.

In our conversation together on The Be Better Broadcast, Jim will explain

👉🏻 WHY referrals are powerful and how to get MORE,
👉🏻 How Network Marketing in itself can make you RICH, and
👉🏻 The FREE tool that will make anyone an award-winning salesperson.

Jim is a close friend of mine because of his support, wisdom and generosity.

I know you will feel the same once you listen to this episode.

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