Cars are the Problem

The AFIRE Podcast

Nov 18 2021 • 38 mins

(Featuring Gabe Klein, Co-Founder, CityFi) Cars revolutionized the world when they were invented, but they've also had an oversized role in dictating the shape of urban environments over the past century. But our transportation culture is beginning to change—so what can cities do to adapt? Cars are a regular part of our everyday lives. They take us wherever we need to go, whenever we need it. They offer independence and convenience. However, they are also one of the largest pollution sources of our modern world, and cost thousands of lives every year in car accidents. Nowhere are these problems more visible than big cities. The traffic, smog and infrastructure costs of urban centers are heavily influenced by the use of cars by thousands of individuals every day. If we accept cars as the problem, how do we find a solution? Departments of Transportation, discusses the future of urban transportation in terms of reducing large cities' dependency on cars. From bike lanes to electric vehicles, Klein's ideas can help inform our understanding of urbanism.