Law Firm Operational Health with Kyle Harbaugh - #50

The J. Sterling Hughes Show

Apr 22 2024 • 32 mins

Kyle Harbaugh is the Founder and President of Chief Go Officers.  He is a holistic business strategist for law firms and his focus is on helping firms grow and operate better by providing Done-For-You projects and fractional services.

In this episode, we have a full conversation about the challenges that firms encounter to move from the founder(s) doing all the legal work to building a legal team.

Kyle is also the co-creator of a comprehensive Business Health Analysis that dissects law firms in 12 key areas: Clientele, Messaging, Networking, Product, People, Scale, Service, Operations, Grip, Safety, Technology and Profitability

We discuss the phases of problems that all scaled law firms pass through.

The podcast concludes with Kyle and I discussing one of the most critical aspects of law firms--Hiring great teammates.  Kyle shares his innovative PGS & BCD framework for assembling a team of A-players.

Kyle Harbaugh is active on LinkedIn and can be found at

Follow me on: LinkedIn - YouTube - X - Instagram - TikTok

I’m here to share my law firm’s secrets, tactics, and strategies of how we have grown from 0 to 25 attorneys and over $15m in revenue in our first nine years.

Yes! It’s true--even if you compete directly with us. I want to tell you the gritty truth on what worked, what failed, and where we are aiming next.

Here’s why.

My teammates and I envision transforming how family law clients are served.

And we can’t transform the practice of law all by ourselves. We need more lawyers growing their practice, kicking butt / taking names, and winning along with us.

So, follow me and ring that bell up top to get all my latest disclosures.

You can subscribe to "The J. Sterling Hughes Show" Podcast. I go into a ton of detail in the podcast.

My YouTube channel is @JSterlingHughes.

When I’m not spilling the goods on our firm's story, I am Winona’s husband, and our six kids' daddy. ❤️

I also love me some fishin’ as often as I can. It’s also occasionally fun to catch a fish too!