The "Brain Hack" Series: Making Time for Your Creative Self


Dec 1 2021 • 34 mins

COMPOSURE author Kate Purmal takes host Drew Tweedy through a special conversation this week. This is the first in a series of “brain hacks” we’ll be releasing in the coming weeks.

As an executive coach, Kate regularly uses this exercise to help her clients find greater success and resourcefulness in the areas of their lives where they’re really struggling. Now, she’s bringing the “brain hack” to the airwaves!

This conversation focuses on Drew’s struggles to make time for the creative pursuits that bring him joy. His anxiety has been getting in the way, and as he puts it, he’s “ignoring what fills his cup.” Kate helps Drew create a negotiation between his creativity and his anxiety, recognizing the benefits of each part of him so they can come to an agreement that fulfills both of their desired outcomes.

Read A Simple “Brain Hack" to Loosen the Grip of your Perfectionism — The COMPOSURE Blog ➞