Brain Hack: Yes, that was a Microaggression. Now what?


Jan 20 2022 • 51 mins

"Did he really just say that?”

You're the only one like you in the room, and an executive colleague says something that you find biased, offensive, or dismissive.

However, it’s not egregious. If it were just a one-off you might brush it off — but it’s not.

You’re torn. You don’t want to call him out in front of your peers — or worse a partner or customer. But you also don’t want to let it slide.

This is the central dilemma special guest Erin Rech brings to her "brain hack" coaching session with Kate Purmal.

Kate takes Erin through coaching exercises to find the “right” response so she can:

  • Stay present in the room without being overly reactive
  • Show up in a way that ensures accountability and helps create change
  • Acknowledge the microaggression instead of ignoring or internalizing it
  • Create a course of action without bearing the sole responsibility for resolution

Read A Simple “Brain Hack" to Loosen the Grip of your Perfectionism — The COMPOSURE Blog ➞