Jill Rothman: We 4 Generations

Global Heart2Heart

Aug 4 2021 • 2 mins

We 4 Generations

Because my Mother survived a difficult beginning and the loss of her Beloved and still lives fully,

Because I
have danced the foxtrot
with death and embrace life,
and take pleasure in most moments,

Because my Daughter
values the past and enlivens the present journeyed and returned
sings like the Mama that she is.

Because my Grand Child
has an exponential mind
and a jeweled essence
and belly laughs at most everything,

We 4 gather weekly,
The Fashionista, The Chronicler, The Chanteuse,The Sorceress. Stacked civilizations.
Each Herstory a world worth noting.
A thick rope, no mere thread,
runs through us,
ties anchor to the past,
connects us to the horizon.

Once... the 4 was
my Grand Mother,
my Mother, my Self, and my Daughter, my Grandmother
who fled the Cossacks
and arrived at Ellis Island
by herself at age 11
and carved out a life for us all.

The Ancient, The Middle,The Youth,The Babe, we dance and sing,
play and laugh,
eat pizza and drink smoothies,
marvel at the majesty.
We 4 were given this luxury,
this rarest of gifts.
We 4 know a gift
when we see it.

3/4/17 Jill Rothman

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