2P67: Learning About Positivity, Perspective, and Perseverance from a "Teaching Champion"

2Principals Podcast

Mar 27 2024 • 1 hr 1 min

Tune in for an uplifting conversation with Brian Martin, the positivity-radiating second-grade teacher and host of the Teaching Champions podcast. Brimming with infectious energy, Brian shares his morning routine of gratitude, self-awareness practices, and tips for incorporating movement throughout the day. He drops some serious wisdom on managing mental health and combating burnout in the education field. Brian's approach to leadership is all about influence through authenticity and building a positive school culture by celebrating wins and checking in on colleagues. From role models like his 72-year-old substitute teacher mom to podcasting mentors, Brian reveals the sources that inspire his relentless pursuit of growth. Get ready to embrace his parting advice - practice gratitude, find joy in the little things, and live with an outlook that raises the frequency all around you.

Where you can find Brian:


Teaching Champions Podcast



2Principal Partner:

Healthwise Behavioral Health & Wellness

We want to take a moment to communicate our most sincere gratitude for our supportive sponsor Healthwise Behavioral Health and Wellness. This organization has believed in the 2Principals from the start and we couldn’t be more thankful. If you are looking for an organization that has a philosophy of considering the whole-person with comprehensive services that are rooted in evidence-based science while at the same time understanding the inter-connectedness of the mind, body, and experience, then look no further than Healthwise Behavioral Health and Wellness.


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