2P61: Leading with the Heart

2Principals Podcast

Feb 14 2024 • 35 mins

February is American Heart Month, so this episode of the 2Principals Podcast focuses on the importance of heart health for school principals and leaders. Heart disease is the leading cause of death for both men and women in the U.S., with someone dying from it every 36 seconds. The demanding and stressful role of a principal can negatively impact heart health if leaders are not careful. It's crucial for principals to prioritize self-care.

The episode discusses common risk factors for heart disease that principals should be aware of, including a sedentary lifestyle, unhealthy diet, obesity, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, smoking, chronic stress, and diabetes. A healthy heart enables principals to have the energy, stamina, and mental acuity to lead schools effectively. It also sets a positive wellness example. The hosts share both the positive impacts, like improved wellbeing, increased energy and focus, and role modeling healthy behaviors, as well as the negative impacts, like added pressure, time constraints, and neglecting health, of focusing on heart health.

The episode provides practical strategies for principals to implement to improve their heart health, including regular exercise, improved nutrition, stress management techniques, health checkups, work-life integration, stopping tobacco use, and seeking support. The key message is that principals must make self-care a priority in order to be sustainable, effective leaders long-term. They should lead by example and keep their hearts healthy!

Key Points:

  • Heart disease is the #1 cause of death in the U.S. The high demands of a principal can negatively impact heart health.
  • Principals should be aware of common risk factors for heart disease and take preventative measures.
  • Prioritizing heart health leads to positive impacts like increased energy, better focus, and role modeling wellness behaviors.
  • Practical strategies include adding exercise, eating healthier, managing stress, getting checkups, integrating work and life, and seeking support.
  • Taking care of your heart health allows principals to lead sustainably and effectively for the long haul. Set the example and stay heart healthy!


2Principal Partner:

Healthwise Behavioral Health & Wellness

We want to take a moment to communicate our most sincere gratitude for our supportive sponsor Healthwise Behavioral Health and Wellness. This organization has believed in the 2Principals from the start and we couldn’t be more thankful. If you are looking for an organization that has a philosophy of considering the whole-person with comprehensive services that are rooted in evidence-based science while at the same time understanding the inter-connectedness of the mind, body, and experience, then look no further than Healthwise Behavioral Health and Wellness.


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