2P73: Leading Through the Final Stretch of the School Year

2Principals Podcast

May 1 2024 • 41 mins

For principals, the month of May is a whirlwind of activity as the academic year draws to a close. It involves finalizing teacher and student schedules, coordinating exams, and meticulously planning graduation ceremonies and recognizing the vital contributions of support staff. Clear communication of expectations to all stakeholders is paramount during this busy time.

Ensuring balanced and equitable teacher schedules is a key challenge. Open communication and collaboration with department heads is crucial, as is carefully considering teacher strengths, certifications, and balancing preparation periods and course levels fairly across staff. Not everyone will get their ideal schedule, but an inclusive process can foster understanding.

Several strategies can help principals navigate May and bring about a smooth school year conclusion. Establishing clear communication channels with staff, students and parents is vital. Graduation planning requires triple-checking all arrangements from photography to streaming logistics. Meeting with stakeholder groups like department chairs, student councils, support staff and others provides valuable feedback. Proactively addressing potential disruptive events and planning transition ceremonies for groups like 8th graders is also important.

Building and sustaining a positive school culture remains a priority even amidst the year-end busyness. Recognizing and appreciating the efforts of staff and students, keeping communication lines open, encouraging collaboration, and making time for personal reflection as a leader are all key components.

With immense responsibilities, principals must also prioritize their own mental health. Effective time management, setting boundaries, engaging in self-care practices like exercise or hobbies, seeking support from colleagues, delegating responsibilities, celebrating personal accomplishments, setting realistic expectations and disconnecting when needed can all help prevent burnout.

Looking ahead, professional development opportunities are on the horizon such as the MASSP Summer Conference, trauma-informed leadership training, the Secretary Conference and student leadership programs.

As the school year culminates, principals are advised to be present and enjoy the celebratory events, directly address any lingering frustrations before summerbreak, and ensure no key groups are left feeling unheard or unappreciated for their contributions.



2Principal Partner:

Healthwise Behavioral Health & Wellness

We want to take a moment to communicate our most sincere gratitude for our supportive sponsor Healthwise Behavioral Health and Wellness. This organization has believed in the 2Principals from the start and we couldn’t be more thankful. If you are looking for an organization that has a philosophy of considering the whole-person with comprehensive services that are rooted in evidence-based science while at the same time understanding the inter-connectedness of the mind, body, and experience, then look no further than Healthwise Behavioral Health and Wellness.


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