Tackling the Green Skills Emergency with Mat Ilic, Co-Founder and CEO of Greenworkx


May 31 2023 • 43 mins

Welcome to Episode 14 of Series 4!

After last episode's Foray into Hydrogen Technologies, I’m back in my comfort zone this week, or at least closer to it. The World of Recruitment.  Recruitment in terms of the urgent need to train and place people for the millions of green jobs that are required if we are going to come close to meeting our net zero goals. Cars, homes and commercial buildings have to become more energy efficient but the UK market is woefully short of the skills required to help people and companies make the transition.

My guest is Mat Ilic, Co-Founder and CEO of Greenworkx, an EdTech Startup with a Sustainability Mission. Mat Ilic is a Public Policy Expert and Former Special Advisor to the Prime Minister who describes their mission with far more eloquence - so I’ll leave that to him. But essentially they are building an app and talent portal that will match people from all backgrounds to appropriate green jobs and guide them through the whole training and placement process.

What I particularly like is their ability to target groups who are typically under-represented in technical industries, and those who might find the traditional job market hard to access and navigate, as well as those whose job in the fossil fuel industry may soon disappear.

Greenworkx is barely 12 months old but they’ve achieved great momentum already, including funding from leading VCs/growth and impact investors and support from an array of successful and high profile business leaders.

Mat Ilic and Co-Founder Richard Ng are also another example of one of these serendipitous Co-Founding Partnerships, where skills and values seem to be perfectly aligned - which has to be a solid foundation for success.

The challenge is huge and incredibly important. And Mat Ilic articulates the vision superbly so keep listening to find out more - and of course subscribe to the podcast if you like it.




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