How to hire Neurodiverse Talent, with Professor Amanda Kirby of Do-IT Solutions


Nov 24 2021 • 42 mins

So the overall theme of this series is Neurodiversity at Work, and how technology can help employers be more inclusive in their hiring.

This week’s guest, Professor Amanda Kirby, has literally written the book on the subject. Neurodiversity at Work,  co-authored with Theo Smith and recently published in the UK and the US, is a comprehensive guide to help employers “Drive Innovation, performance and productivity with a neurodiverse workforce”.

It covers everything from why neurodiversity at work is important, to the workplace adjustments that might be required and what the future of hiring and workspaces might look like.

Amanda's expertise comes from a unique array of personal and professional perspectives: She is a medical doctor with a phd in adult education; she has experienced neurodiversity first hand in her family, as well as having many traits of ADHD herself. She is a champion of the government’s Disability Confident campaign and has delivered extensive training and consultancy to help support organizations to implement and embed change.
She has lectured across the world, is a trustee, patron and medical advisor of various foundations and organisations in the space.

And, above all, from my perspective at least, she is an impact entrepreneur, on a mission to improve the lives of people who are neurodivergent- in all settings.

She is the CEO of Do-IT Solutions, a fast-expanding profiling company which has developed an innovative computerized assessment platform which is increasingly used in numerous different contexts, from schools, colleges and prisons, to high growth SMEs and corporates.

The goal is to ensure that individuals in the workplace who are neurodivergent can maximise their talents while getting appropriate support.