Intro to Series 3 - Hiring Neurodiverse Talent - and the role of Tech


Nov 17 2021 • 4 mins

Disability in the workplace seems to have massively lagged behind other aspects of Diversity, but it is definitely getting wider recognition and plenty of employers seem to be taking it seriously. But it’s open to debate how many of the initiatives and programs are driven by corporate virtue-signalling,  without really building inclusion into the corporate DNA. I’m still not sure that there’s a widely-accepted realization that people with disabilities can actually make a contribution that more than justifies the adjustments that may need to be made for them to be hired and retained.

But perceptions are definitely changing. Young people starting employment today are far more conscious of diversity and inclusion and want to be part of an organization that reflects society and puts social responsibility at its core. And of course the increase in remote work, driven by technology and by the pandemic, has been a potential game-changer for many disabled employees. They are disabled by their environment, by the physical, social and mental barriers that the world puts in their way. Overcoming these barriers breeds creativity, determination and resilience – who doesn’t want these qualities in an employee?

Companies have cottoned on to the fact that Diversity is great for business. Bringing different perspectives produces better results. And of course people perform better in a working environment that is inclusive, where they can be themselves.

Neurodiversity is deservedly getting much more recognition these days, really almost as a skillset that needs to be harnessed for maximum benefit, not just managed or ignored. From the countless business leaders with dyslexia, ADHD and aspects of autism, to the stereotypical autistic techie, to the everyday individual on the spectrum who just loves their routine, repetitive job because it gives them a huge sense of purpose and accomplishment. Neurodiverse talent has a lot to offer.

I want to open the door on a series of conversations with technology entrepreneurs and corporate leaders who are pushing the Neurodiverse agenda forwards. Often because of their own unique backgrounds, they have decided to build or change something – a business, a technology, a movement – that removes the barriers for neurodiverse employees.

I’m putting together my list of guests as I go, but hopefully I’ll attract enough experts to justify calling this a  Series. It would be fantastic to get a range of different perspectives so that anyone exploring the space can get some really interesting insights – from those creating the changes to those incorporating them in their own business.

So if you are active in the space, promoting Neurodiversity at Work, and have something to say, please get in touch by email at !