If you’re anything like me, then you know that there’s nothing worse than being faced with a situation and not knowing what choice to make.

I’m talking about the tough decisions, like “I’m supposed to be in two places at once. Which one do I choose?” Or “there’s a hard situation at my workplace. My husband gave me this piece of advice, my best friend gave me that piece of advice. How should I actually handle the challenging circumstance?” (In other words, not things like “do I order the guac or the queso?” That one’s easy!)

I’m talking about the hard stuff. The uncomfortable stuff. The situations and choices that leave you stuck in analysis paralysis because you just don’t know what to do.

There is a way to eliminate the decision fatigue. It starts with knowing your core values… the foundational beliefs that anchor your life.

Today on the podcast, I’m giving the low down on what core values are, why they are so important and we’ll identify some values that you’re probably never even thought of before. By the end of today’s episode, you’ll be ready to make your next choice BEFORE there’s even a choice to make!

Let’s make the decision making process MUCH simpler for you. Sound good? Press play and let’s get started!


Find this Episode on the Blog | KatieHedrick.com/184


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