We’re going deep (on a spicy topic) in today’s episode of Joy at Home.

You guessed it… we’re talking about sex. And about how to talk to your husband ABOUT sex (and other tough topics).

After your relationship with the Lord, your marriage should be the next thing on your priority list. Yet, how often do you find yourself going through the motions day after day, doing (or not doing) things out of obligation?

As wives, we’re really missing out… on the connection that hard conversations bring, on the gift that marriage is, on the beauty of building trust and intimacy, on the deepening of relationship with our spouse, and (yes!) even on the pleasure that sex should bring.

Relationship Coach, Mary Whitman-Ortiz is joining me today to share her best tips about how you can have fruitful conversations with your husband. She’s also sharing about what to do when difficult, uncomfortable topics come up.

Ultimately, Mary is bringing a ton of encouragement to let you know that having hard conversations about sex can and will lead to a healthy, fulfilling sex life and marriage for both you and your spouse!