Are your kids dealing with big emotions? (Or maybe YOU are the one wrestling with big emotions.) You’re not alone, mama friend. We all have plates that are full and things that we’re struggling with.

Marley Hayman is in the same boat. She’s a wife and mama, as well as a private practice Christian Counselor. Marley loves helping kids and parents work through their big feelings… things like anxiety and anger.

Today on the podcast, she’s offering up some great advice about how you can take care of yourself, so that you’re able to take care of your kids and serve them in a helpful way. (Have you ever been on an airplane? They always tell you to put on your OWN oxygen mask FIRST, should the plane go down.)

Marley is also sharing about “hand breathing,” a tangible activity that you can do RIGHT NOW to help your family learn how to find calm in the midst of life’s storms.

Marley’s heart (and mine) is to equip you to navigate your family’s emotions in a Christ-like way, so I think you’ll find today’s episode REALLY helpful! Press play and let’s get growing.


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