This past summer, our area was going through a major drought. We went days, then weeks, then months without a single drop of rain. It became so intense that it was almost as if you could hear the earth crying out in desperation for the rain to come.

I walked down to our pond, which was 6 feet lower than usual. I studied the ground closely. It was parched, dusty and barren. There were cracks in the ground, so large, that I could fit my entire hand down into them.

It made me think about life. You see, some of us don’t like the rain. We long for warm days. We want sunshine all the time. We want to live in a constant season of #blessed and #thankful. We want the perfect life that looks great on Instagram with no troubles of any kind.

The problem is… if we don’t have some rainy days, if we don’t walk through any struggles or tough seasons, then our lives become like the dry, cracked ground. There is no growth. Everything becomes stagnant.

Eventually, we begin to cry out in need of the rain, just like earth does. You see… discomfort and the rainy seasons are good things. Whether we like the rain or not, we NEED the rain. We NEED to experience life outside of our comfort zone so that we can grow.  💧= 🌱

Join me inside of today’s episode for a deeper dive on the problem with comfort and how it might be holding you back from the life that God has for you. It’s time to GROW, friend!


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