Do you ever have so many things rattling around in your mind that you actually feel stuck? Like you’re paralyzed and standing still amidst the brain clutter?

(One time, I was stuck at the bottom of the Grand Canyon ((true story)) and it did NOT feel good! You’ll hear the full story inside of today’s podcast episode.)

There are a few common reasons that women often feel “stuck” in their own mind…

  1. Thought Overload/Worry/Anxiety

  2. Feelings of Unforgiveness

  3. The (nasty) Comparison Game

Do any of these things resonate? I’m guessing at least one of them does. (Maybe even several of them.)

If you need some help sorting out the clutter in your mind and you’re ready to get unstuck, hit play on today’s podcast episode and let’s get you moving towards a “brain breakthrough.”


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