60. Your Clients’ Financial Progress Number (and Savings Rate)

The Financial Coach Academy® Podcast

Mar 21 2024 • 36 mins

This week we’re looking at the transformative concept of the Financial Progress Number, a journey at the heart of helping clients create true transformation in their finances. This touches on something deeply personal and empowering for each client, tracking their financial health and making it relatable to them.

The idea for this topic comes from the idea of a savings rate, which isn’t very intuitive for most clients. So in this episode, I’m redefining the savings rate in a way that makes sense for even your most resistant or frustrated client. We'll walk through calculating the Financial Progress Number, making the process accessible and empowering, even for business owner clients facing unique financial challenges.

The core of our discussion focuses on the potential for improvement and the actionable steps toward making meaningful changes. Understanding and enhancing savings rate can significantly impact your clients’ financial well-being.

Whether you’re a financial coach looking to deepen client relationships, a business owner aiming for financial growth, or someone curious about financial planning's potential, this episode offers valuable insights. Listen in to explore the Financial Progress Number and see how it can change your approach to financial health and progress.

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