62. Financial Coaching for Small Business Owners: Achieving Financial Clarity

The Financial Coach Academy® Podcast

Apr 11 2024 • 28 mins

Are you tired of seeing small business owners struggle to pay themselves consistently? As a financial coach, it's crucial to provide practical, real-world advice that goes beyond manifestation fluff and the hyper-focus on making money.

Instead, the key is to help your clients understand their business finances and create a clear separation between their business and personal expenses.

Introducing this concept early in the coaching process with business owner clients is essential. By separating business and personal finances, you can provide clarity on the business's financial situation and offer more specific strategies and coaching. Something I walk through, step by step, in this week’s video.

Getting into the mind of your client is crucial. Business owners often express challenges like not having enough clients or needing to control spending, but the actual problem may be unclear due to the commingling of business and personal finances.

By following a three-step process, which you’ll learn here, you can help your clients gain a foundational understanding of their business and strategize solutions.

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