55. What Gives Coaching a Bad Name

The Financial Coach Academy® Podcast

Feb 8 2024 • 28 mins

What does it really mean to be a financial coach in integrity with what we do? This week on the podcast, we’re tackling this head-on, talking about the realities behind what's often seen but seldom spoken about. It’s the challenges behind coaches coaching coaches (say that three times fast!) and staying in integrity with how we market ourselves and being open and transparent with clients.

In this episode, you’ll hear some real-life examples of the vulnerable (and the ick) when it comes to coaches coaching coaches and I hope you hear my invitation to really think about your own role as a financial coach. How do you balance ambition with honesty? How do you navigate the complexities of scaling a business while staying true to your mission? These are just a few of the ideas you’ll hear, as well as my own answers to these questions.

So, if you're curious about what it really takes to uphold integrity in financial coaching, if you're looking to find a balance between your financial acumen and your coaching spirit, or if you're simply seeking a heart-centered approach to this profession, this episode is for you.

Tune in to discover insights that could redefine your approach to financial coaching. Trust me, you don't want to miss this one!

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