Vision-Planning for Your Financial Coaching Business

The Financial Coach Academy® Podcast

Jan 18 2024 • 24 mins

When you start your business, you often go in with rose-colored glasses. You have an unshakeable positive outlook…oftentimes because you just don’t know any better. And then things get real. Usually really fast. And what you thought your journey would look like feels like a long time ago. If you’ve felt this, you’re not alone - when I first started my business, I was incredibly naive - I imagined having consistent, predictable, steady growth year after year.

I thought I’d simply create a product, offer it to my (obviously) thousands of raving fans, sell out immediately, lather, rinse, repeat. If only I’d realized how truly messy this whole business building journey can be (and still is). Looking back, the things I thought I wanted rapidly fell away, and I realized that what I actually wanted from my business was something entirely different.