"Crafting Content: A Guide -Keeping Content Creation Simple and Effective

The Online Entrepreneur Academy Podcast

Nov 19 2023 • 14 mins

***Please note this is not an episode about copywriting BUT  the copywriting guest will be coming soon so come back to listen to the copywriting podcast episode!***Coming very soon
This valuable episode is about the practical aspects of content to get you moving straight away on your favourite platforms!

And as always I like to keep things simple clear and enjoyable!

🎙️ AND now officially ...Welcome back and... today's solo episode is a  dive into the simplicity of content creation - understanding and appealing to your business avatar, the ideal customer. I hope you find this episode perfect for entrepreneurs, content creators, and anyone looking to make a real impact with their message!

🌟 What's Inside: I talk about the essentials of crafting content that truly resonates with your ideal customer.

It's not just about what you say, but how you say it, and most importantly, understanding who you're saying it to.

This episode is your guide to thinking about these elements.

✏️ Grab your notepad and pen, because this episode is packed with fundamental insights and strategies you'll want to refer back to time and again. Get ready to take notes on creating content that not only reaches but also engages your target audience effectively.

🔑 Key Takeaways:

  • Practical advice
  • Different styles of content
  • Things to avoid
  • And of course, things to do!

🚀 Engage with Us: After the episode, if you enjoyed it please Subscribe, leave a review, and let’s continue this conversation beyond the podcast!

🔗 So don't forget to check out the episode description for additional contact points, and where we can continue the conversation


My podcast is advert-free and jingle-free, simply put together, and hopefully demonstrates you can be working alone, keep the tech simple, and still share fabulous information.

Keeping business simple is my motto! ...Although I will at some point have some music and a jingle!!

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The Rest :)

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