A Conversation with Natalie Bailey

The Online Entrepreneur Academy Podcast

Jan 8 2024 • 46 mins

It was my absolute pleasure to invite Natalie Bailey to be my first guest for 2024!

And what a conversation we had! Listen in, grab your notebook, and enjoy this fun-filled conversation that will leave you with ideas, inspiration and action. We recorded this episode at the end of 2023 and both wish you a happy, healthy peaceful future

A little bit about Natalie before you dive in:

Natalie Bailey is a Property Developer, and a Coach and Mentor. Having over 10 years of experience in running businesses, including Bars, Gyms, and eCommerce she now has a property development business with her business partner and Mum, Paula.

She helps others be more confident and successful in health, wealth & happiness so they can live the life they dream of.

On a mission to help combat loneliness with the Better Together message, she helps busy, lost and stuck entrepreneurs to truly connect with themselves with the Confident Entrepreneurs Club, her Mastermind groups, and Retreats. Living between Mallorca and London, she embodies everything she teaches. With a background in Personal Training, health and fitness is high on the agenda, with wealth creation and happiness going hand in hand to create a confident and successful life.

And you can contact Natalie here:


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My podcast is advert-free and jingle-free, simply put together, and hopefully demonstrates you can be working alone, keep the tech simple, and still share fabulous information.

Keeping business simple is my motto! ...Although I will at some point have some music and a jingle!!

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