The Value and Power of Networking For Your Business

The Online Entrepreneur Academy Podcast

Nov 6 2023 • 16 mins

Networking...  Love it? Hate it ? It is essential
So let's do it the way that works for you and your love it

Hello there! Welcome to this solo episode. (Recorded on a dark wintery morning, which did not stop this happening. Just so you know!)

Networking is a crucial skill in today's world, whether it's face-to-face or online.

It's like the secret sauce that can open up new opportunities and connections.

In this podcast episode, you'll discover, maybe rediscover, the benefits of both forms of networking, and I'll also share some personal anecdotes and tips on how to do it effectively.

And hey, taking notes is a great idea! It helps retain valuable insights and in this episode you're definitely going away with a to-do list!

So, listeners, grab that notepad or open your note-taking app because you're in for a knowledge boost.

If you enjoy the episode (which you most likely will), don't forget to hit that subscribe button to stay updated with more insightful content. And for those who want to connect further or have questions, feel free to reach out through the contact details below. We're here to help you level up your networking game!

Stay tuned, and happy networking! 😊🌐🤝

My podcast is advert-free and jingle-free, simply put together, and hopefully demonstrates you can be working alone, keep the tech simple, and still share fabulous information.

Keeping business simple is my motto! ...Although I will at some point have some music and a jingle!!

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