Rick Rubin's "The Creative Act": A Creativity Playbook?

Book Wise

Jun 6 2024 • 18 mins

On this episode, Britt Brewer is joined by BookClub CEO Jonathan Munk. She walks him through the “Creative Act: A Way of Being” by Rick Rubin – a meditation of sorts on the intersection of creativity and commerce.

And, much like the notoriously zen Rubin – Britt and Munk don’t shy away from philosophical debates over the very nature of creativity, and what it means to be an artist.

If you dig a thoughtful discussion, especially one that covers ego death, guitar solos, Run DMC, and the importance of “vibe-setting” – then this Book Wise ep is for you.

Books mentioned:

• The Creative Act: A Way of Being” by Rick Rubin

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