138: Using Audio Ads to Sell New Hardware Products

Product Startup

Aug 24 2022 • 27 mins

Stew Redwine is Vice President Creative Services at Oxford Road, one of the leading audio advertising agencies in the world. They ran the ads behind unicorn physical product success stories such as Quip Toothbrushes, Theragun, Tommy John, and many more. Today Stew is going to share some valuable knowledge for inventors, startups, and small manufacturers on what audio platforms are out there to advertise your product on, how to get started in the audio advertising space for hardware products, and how to make a great audio ad to make your product invention the next big success.

Today you will hear us talk about:

  • What are audio ads for hardware products?
  • The different platforms for audio: Podcasts, radio, XM radio
  • Crisp, clear, and clever messaging
  • Self serve audio advertising programs (Gumball and Podcorn)
  • True Native Media for a more concierge service
  • The key things to have in an audio ad
  • A person is not fully convinced until they can feelthe product has been demonstrated
  • 9 key things for a highly successful audio ad for a new physical product invention
  • You don’t have to stress about being perfectly clever.
  • 180 word max for a 60 second ad.
  • Most podcast consumption happens around the episode drop.


Stew Redwine / Oxford Road Links:

The Product Startup Podcast Links:

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