315. Joanne Cooke - Creative Wow

The Merilyn Show

Oct 4 2023 • 32 mins

"I'm a better wife, mother and person because I'm fulfilling that need within me to be creative. " Jo Cooke.

Meet Jo.  We went to school together and I'm honoured to show her off on my show. Jo is a milliner... she designs and makes spectacular hats! She's reviving an old-fashioned skill and has even made creations for the ladies wearing hats at the famous Melbourne Cup.  We riff about getting in touch with, and trusting, our creative selves and recovering from post viral fatigue.


Wow is an energy. It's an expression of beauty, of awe, of wonder... of genius, of insight and ah-ha's. In a world that feels a little grey, the spirit of Wow must be felt. And heard.
This podcast season exists to explore the magnetism of 'wow' in life and business and to showcase Tall Poppies I know who are following what lights them up.

I believe the future is wow... join me.

Follow me on Instagram: @merilyn
Website: merilyn.com