5 Involuntary Hospitalizations and Facing Homelessness....Now What?

Searching for Self in Midlife with Krista Biglin

Apr 26 2022 • 29 mins

5 mental health break downs in a span of 6 years, 45K in debt, facing homelessness--what door would you choose?  The door that says--yup we know you are going to be a revolving door in the mental health system OR the door that says--you have a choice and you do not have to live this way.  Guess which door Alana took?

Alana Mai Mitchell is now making over 6 figures,  has purchased her own home in Sydney Australia, is working at one of the largest banks in Australia and has a podcast called The  Eastern Influenced Corporate Leader and authored a booked called From Trauma to Joy.

What made Alana choose door number 2? Come have a listen and find out why.

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