Trauma Wounds and Inner Child Tantrums

Searching for Self in Midlife with Krista Biglin

Mar 17 2022 • 31 mins

How a traumatic childhood event resurfaced in Shelby's adult life and how she recognized that this event was related to her inner child.  Often as children we don't have the ability to verbally express what is happening when something is scary or traumatic and if the event is too much for our system our brain will shut us down.  Our brain may not remember traumatic events but our body does--our somatic body keeps the memory of the traumatic emotions stored inside until one day they are opened up by a triggering event.

In this episode we talk about-

-Shelby shares her story of how her mother invites her and her family on a vacation and how that single event triggered unhealed and traumatic memories from her childhood.

-Do you ever experience moments where you feel you are a child who is having a tantrum?  Welcome to your inner child.  Come on this journey and learn what happened to Shelby and how she came to know her inner child.

-Routines and practices--Journaling, self affirmation, meditation, yoga.
Shelby recommends the book The Miracle Morning

-Listen till the end where I break it all down and describe the somatic body, the inner child and share my story of healing my inner child.

Keep in touch with Shelby:


Podcast: Dear Midlife


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