Episode 011: Setting Intentions in a Routine with Lori DaCosta

Success is Routine

Feb 26 2023 • 33 mins

Lori DaCosta is a Mindset Life Coach and creator of Lifestyle with Lori. She helps women find their inner strength and self-assurance to lead the life that they desire.

As a trauma counselor for many years, she discovered the power to tap into one's resilience and inner strength to overcome those mindset barriers.

Lori started her journey as a fitness coach but soon evolved to something more transformational. She focused on empowering women by providing a secure environment where they can feel encouraged in achieving their goals.

Lori’s holistic framework has been helping more women find their sense of balance in life by reconnecting their minds, body, and spirit and building a foundation to support each stage of life.

Routine | Setting Intentions in a Routine

Some of Lori's routines that enhanced her focus and made her feel less stressed include:

1. Decompressing and releasing energy after the client's session

2. Set an intention for the day

3. Plan her upcoming week in advance

4. Working out

5. Meditation

6. Start and end the day with reflection

She has been accustomed to engaging in all  these activities for her well-being, which has contributed to her success.


Success may come in different forms, but Lori considers any personal accomplishment, no matter how small, as success. Taking care of things that nourish the mind, body, and spirit helps to achieve that success. A direct success to the routine that Lori has achieved is losing 55 lbs and maintaining that weight loss.

Connect With Lori DaCosta

Email: lori@lifestylewithlori.com

Website: http://www.lifestylewithlori.com

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lifestyle_withlori/

Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.ca/lifestylewithlori1/_created/

Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@lifestyle_withlori?lang=en