Episode 010: Planning Is A Destination with Andrew Lamb

Success is Routine

Feb 19 2023 • 40 mins

Andrew Lamb is the Founder and CEO of 4 Leaf Performance.

Born in the United Kingdom, his family relocated to Dublin, Ireland. He began working at his uncle's hardware store when he was just ten years old. He secured a job in retail after graduating from high school.

He relocated to the United Kingdom and got a job in Ryanair. Due to the Gulf War, he worked in various other fields. He returned to Ireland, where he eventually met his wife.

Andrew began working for the company Digital Equipment Corporation, where he established call centers and businesses around Europe. In 2001, he was invited to the US, where he oversaw multiple domestic and international organizations.

He worked with Hewlett Packard in Singapore from 2015 until his return in 2018. He felt he needed a change in 2019 and took early retirement just before COVID happened.

His best friend, who has been an action coach, offered him advice and the chance to take over a franchise in Houston. Since then, he has been helping businesses across the United States.

Routine | Having a plan and intentionality in a Routine

Andrew views his routines as a means to reaching his destination, and having a plan will get him there. Here are a few of his routines that contributed to his success.

  1. Build a calendar
  2. Enforce a daily and weekly schedule
  3. Following systems processes
  4. Plans consistently and intentionally


Happiness from a variety of things is how Andrew defines success. It can be looking at the growth of an individual or a team as they work toward a certain freedom. Success is accomplishing those results with dedication, focus, and intentionality.

Connect With Andrew Lamb

Email: andrewlamb@4leafperformance.com

Website: https://www.4leafperformance.com/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/people/4-Leaf-Performance/100086599124354/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/4leafperformance/

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/andrewjlamb/

Phone Number: 832-982-2252