#049: You Never Know Who’s Watching (The Importance of Not Hiding Out on Social Media)

Living in Alignment

Feb 23 2023 • 10 mins

Get the full shownotes on my website: https://amystarrallen.com/49

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In this episode, I just wanted to remind you that we we never know who’s watching and paying attention when we are putting ourselves out there online.

We never really know whose lives we are affecting, because most of the people who are paying attention will likely never interact with our content.

I also wanted to shine some light on the feeling we sometimes have that we are ashamed in some way of what we are doing (maybe even subconsciously) and feel the need to hide it from friends, family, members of the community where we live, etc.

Because, when we do that, we are not shining as brightly as we could be. We are not really living our purpose fully if we are denying our light to certain people. And there’s only so much success you can have if you are playing small an hiding out.

Also, if you find yourself doing this, I gave you 2 options of ways to overcome it in this episode as well.

It was the topic I spoke about on yesterday’s Grow Rich mastermind….

We had some technical difficulties on there yesterday, so I went ahead and put this up on my podcast to make it easy for you to listen.

I love you, and please remember that I’m here to help, always.

Enjoy the episode!

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Items mentioned in this episode include: