#047: Journal Prompts and Suggestions to Help You Start the New Year with Clarity, Purpose and Celebration

Living in Alignment

Jan 4 2023 • 14 mins

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In this episode, I shared some juicy journal prompts and suggestions to help you start the new year with clarity, purpose, and celebration.

It’s 2023 already can you believe it?

It’s a fresh start, a blank slate, a chance for new beginnings and a chance to start over. It always feels so refreshing to me, I love this time of year.

So… I just wanted to give you a couple of ideas that might be helpful to do as we start the new year.

This episode is a recording of the Grow Rich Mastermind call that I hosted this morning, and a couple of things that we spoke about were:

1) The importance of celebrating your strength and how you overcame all of your challenges last year (instead of just rushing into the new year without taking the time to acknowledge your progress).

I also shared my Burning Bowl ceremony experience from New Year’s eve and gave you some other ideas for rituals you can do to release the things that are no longer serving you as you enter the new year.

2) Some journal prompts that I think may be helpful for your business, if you have one, as we enter the new year. I know many of us set goals for the new year, so it’s also good to figure out what we need to put in place to hit our goals.

Journaling things out is super helpful – it’s a great way to communicate with your higher self.

It’s the best way I know of to get some of the answers and insights that you can’t really get anywhere else… there’s a stream of consciousness that we tap into when we journal and write it all out.

And I do believe it’s important to get clear on some of the questions we spoke about today to set ourselves up powerfully as we enter the new year, so that we don’t get to the end of it and feel disappointed that we didn’t get to where we wanted to go.

I also spoke about the importance of having a personal development budget- so that we can feel good about buying the books or courses or whatever we need to help us move forward in the ways we need to… without thinking twice about it.

Anyway, we dive more deeply into this in this episode.

I love you, and please remember that I’m here to help, always.

Enjoy the episode!

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Items mentioned in this episode include: