Episode 8: Conversation about citizenship education with PGCE Student Teachers

Conversations 4 Citizenship

Sep 19 2022 • 39 mins

In this episode, PGCE student teachers describe the meaning of global citizens and share their experiences on how to deal with controversial issues such as combating racism, sexism, homophobia, and other forms of discrimination, especially, how they encourage pupils to engage in the discussion relating to socio-economic injustice in education. Above all, they emphasise the importance of music within citizenship education and share their thoughts on how music becomes a powerful tool for cultivating civic competencies – critical thinking, confidence, empathy and compassion-- for the future generation.

Lastly, they point out the importance of critical media literacy in citizenship education as well as the awareness about peace education through citizenship education in the classroom. Also, they conclude that citizenship education cannot confine to only schools and citizenship education should be occurred everywhere including at home.

This episode is hosted by Stella Mi-cheong Cheong, together with PGCE students, recorded and sound mixed by Heejin Ban.

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  • List of further readings

- The Deliberative Classroom: Topical Debating Resources and Teacher Guidance [online] is available at the Association for                 Citizenship teaching

- Voice 21 [Online] is available at https://www.school21.org.uk/voice21

-  Citizenship PGCE Programme at the Institute of Education, UCL's Faculty of Education and Society. Please click on the link for more details

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