Season 2: Trailer

Conversations 4 Citizenship

Dec 7 2022 • 1 min

#Conversations4citizenship is back with Season 2; we welcome you all. During this second season, we hope to expand our reach in this post-pandemic era to look at topics that include how the internet is used to manipulate and spread disinformation. In addition, we discuss how communities in Latin America provide entrepreneurial opportunities for youth that  keep them out of drug cartels and armed groups. We discuss issues around race all over the globe, and we have a variety of other topics that we would like you to listen out for.

We look forward to you hosting us on any of your favourite digital platforms; they can be Apple, Google, Spotify, Amazon Music. Wherever you choose to get your podcast information, we are there. At #conversations4citizenship, we love feedback, so please send us your thoughts or follow @c4c_ed on Twitter at #conversations4citizenship.

We look forward to an exciting Season 2, and we hope that you join us for the ride. If you would like to explore the possibility of participating in our podcast,  do not hesitate to reach out through the online participation form or email us at

Contact Conversations4citizenship

Thanks for listening and keeping C4C podcasting!

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