Gratitude & Growth : Reflections on Conversations4Citizenship in Season Two

Conversations 4 Citizenship

Feb 10 2024 • 2 mins

Hello, listeners. I am Stella. As we come to the end of season two of the conversations for citizenship podcast, we want to express our heartfelt gratitude for all our remarkable speakers and listeners and supporters. It's been an incredible journey exploring the diverse topics of citizenship, human rights, and social justice, with thought provoking discussions and inspiring stories. Throughout this season, we have had the privilege of engaging with researchers and scholars and practitioners who are making a positive difference in their communities. Their insight and experiences have deepened our understanding of the challenges and opportunities we face in fostering inclusive societies and empowering citizens. We hope that each episode has puckered meaningful conversations and inspire you to reflect on your own role as a global citizen. Our aim has always been to provide a platform for dialogue, exchange of ideas, and the exploitation of ways to create positive change. As you take a break before embarking or season three, we encourage you to continue exploring the themes we have discussed. Let's keep learning, advocating and working together to build a more just and inclusive society. We would like to extend our sincerest appreciation to our dedicated team, guests and listeners who have made this decision as success. Additionally, we would like to thank University College London, and Ateneo de Manila University for their invaluable support in making this project a meaningful reality. You will support the engagement mean the word to us and we look forward to bringing you more inspiring conversation in the future. In season three, get ready to join us as we bring together a diverse group of experts and activist for an engaging and enlightening discussion on the fascinating topic of research methodology, dynamic geopolitical issues on citizenship education, and education for sustainability. We can't wait to delve deep into this important subject and explore the ways in which citizenship and sustainability intersect. Stay tuned. Stay engaged and remember that every conversation count together we can make a difference. Thank you , Salamat and Gamsahabnida!  Wishing you all a wonderful break and see you in Session Three!

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