Episode 2: Conversation with Dr. Piers Von Berg

Conversations 4 Citizenship

Jan 13 2023 • 47 mins

In this episode, we speak to Dr. Piers von Berg about the citizenship education that enables students to nurture civic identities and civic agency in the UK. He starts his conversation about why he became interested in citizenship education at the university level. He regards university as a perfect place to explore how student identities were being changed as they interacted and encountered a range of differences. Other than that, he talks about the concept of global citizens and the role of citizenship education in times of pandemic.

Piers through her doctoral research describes how he uses an action research approach, drawing on the critical theories that include Friere’s ideas of authentic reflection, Mezirow’s theory of transformational learning and Boal’s forms of Forum and Image Theatre. This episode is hosted by Stella Cheong,  together with Rowena Palacios. We hope all listeners enjoy this episode.

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