How A Budget Helps You Keep More of Your Hard Earned Money WITHOUT Sacrificing the Things You Love

Cheers to Your Prosperity

Jun 6 2022 • 39 mins

Your budget wants to be your biz bestie!

…rather, if it had its own personality, it would want to be your best friend, wing man/woman/person, security detail…

You know, the person, being, or thing that protects you from the bad and wants you to have good things coming into your life.

Examples of good things include:

  • More time to spend with your loved ones
  • The ability to add to your car collection
  • Purchasing your dream home
  • Adding an extra 6 (or 7) figures to your bottom line
  • …or simply having more money in your bank account

If you like what you are reading so far, you’ll love listening to this episode because I discuss how this tool, called a budget, is actually for you, not against you.

I begin by ranting about why I dislike the question, “do you have a budget?”

I’m already going to answer…the question is super stuck up as sh*t and a bad question (yea, I wrote it and said it).

I also discuss is how your intentions and beliefs can create the experience you have with budgeting.

For example, if you believe the budget is too restrictive, then it will be too restrictive. However if you love budgeting, you’ll create a budget that has you falling further in love with budgeting.

I go on to explain why your budget might be too restrictive, time consuming, and all the negative things. Hint: It is based on someone else’s needs, beliefs, values, etc.

I also share the different types of budgets, which could be a better fit for your needs and lifestyle.

I share some tips to help you stay committed to your budget.

Finally, I explain why blowing your budget is not always a bad thing.

Resources mentioned:

Atomic Habits by James Clear (Available on Amazon and other retailers) – this book is great for understanding habits and how to create those quantum leaps the internet streets love

Mindful Financial Habits e-Book ( - the e-book gives specific examples of financial habits

Website: The Mindful Bookkeeper (

Email me:

Connect with me on Instagram: @mindfullychioma (

Cheers to your prosperity!