Additional Words: A Personal Take on Recession Proofing Your Business to Prosper

Cheers to Your Prosperity

Jul 28 2022 • 22 mins

I can relate to where many of you are today.

There is so much pressure to make a certain amount of money as that amount represents a level of success you crave and therefore work hard for.

Unfortunately, that pressure limits all the ways for you to have money.

Which means you also limit your ability to take care of the money you do have.

The thing is, those limits could put a temporary or permanent stop on your business and the life you desire and deserve to have.

With a possible recession on the horizon, I feel it is more important than ever to share my passion for helping you take care of your money so that you can have money regardless of what is going on in the economy.

Which is why I am sharing more of my story from the Great Recession and before that, the bubble bursting.

‘Recession Proof Your Business and Prosper’ was shared from an “expert’s” point of view.

This episode comes from a peer/colleague/friend point of view.

Check out this article: How to Survive a Recession and Thrive Afterward -

Let me help you Achieve Financial Control:

Follow me on Instagram: @mindfullychioma

Cheers to your prosperity!