I’ve Had Bad Credit For Most of My Adult Life, And Still Had Money In my Bank Accounts

Cheers to Your Prosperity

Apr 18 2022 • 42 mins

You can have amazing credit, and have no money in the bank.

You can also have bad credit, and have plenty of money in the bank.

How is any of that possible?

That’s what I’m exploring in this episode where we talk about credit.

I begin by providing some background on what goes into one’s credit score.

This episode also highlights what is unfair about the credit score. Dropping a hint, have you ever wondered by paying for rent, utilities, groceries, all of which many pay in full and on time, are not considered in the credit score?

I then go on to explain why I had bad credit for most of my adult life.

Last but not least I get specific on how I was able to own luxury items and build my bank account despite having bad credit.

This episode is dedicated to those that feel shame for their credit situation. I hope you all can hear your story in mine and, therefore, be comforted by the fact that you are not alone. Most importantly, there is nothing to be ashamed of. Having bad credit does not mean you are irresponsible or a bad person.

These two podcasts inspired this episode:

Popcorn Finance - The Credit Score is Overrated

Money Please - Is Bad Credit Really That Bad?

I also mentioned some resources for you to check out! I highly recommend these books as they have been an absolute game changer in my financial life:

Profit First by Mike Michalowicz

All Your Worth: The Ultimate Lifetime Money Plan by Elizabeth Warren and Amelia Warren Tyagi

Feeling out of control with your finances? I can help! Click here to learn more about how I can help you Achieve Financial Control.

Episode website

Last but not least, please rate and review the podcast. Your support spreads the message of prosperity were we all benefit.

Thank you so much and Cheers to Your Prosperity!