Recession Proof Your Business and Prosper

Cheers to Your Prosperity

Jul 18 2022 • 47 mins


It is a word that strikes fear into many hearts.

Many respond to that fear by doing nothing and simply “waiting it out” until the recession ends.

Recession is also a word that signals opportunity and innovation.

Those seeking opportunity prepare their business and life for the recession and end up taking advantage of opportunities because they were ready.

I want to do my part to help more of you prepare for the recession (if it happens) so that you can take advantage of every opportunity available.

In this episode I specifically discuss:

- What is a recession?

- Symptoms of a recession

- Innovation born from recessions and other forms of economic downturns

- The financially prosperous way to recession proof your business

- How I can help you recession proof your business

Listen to Paul Martinelli's Recession Proofing Your Business here: (

I can help you recession proof your business and achieve financial control! Click here for more information and to schedule a call:

Cheers to your prosperity, y'all!