Money Lesson: Not Everything Is For the Gram

Cheers to Your Prosperity

Jul 4 2022 • 38 mins

Most people won’t give this feedback.

But the way some of you use social media does a lot of harm to others.

I mean, A LOT!

It can also do a lot of harm to you and the business you have worked hard to build.

The twist is, many of you did not intend to cause harm to anyone. On the contrary, I know you intended to be of service to others!

In this episode I share and discuss:

  • My opinion on what information is private and public when it comes to sharing it on your social media platforms
  • The common response I receive when I speak up about sharing private information and why that response is not fact it does more harm
  • The impact your sharing private information has on others

And because I talk money in my universe, I discuss:

  • The impact such actions can have on your business
  • The business that lost an opportunity to earn $35,000
  • The over $7 figure lawsuit settlement

Finally, I share a simple solution to all of this: Just ask permission. It's the more prosperous thing to do.

I want remind all of you of this: Not everyone is in a healthy and safe space.

Consider that the next time you post something without someone else's permission.

As an FYI, I do get a little heated in this episode complete with some colorful language.

Please feel free to share your thoughts and opinions about this episode.

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Cheers to your prosperity!