Yes! You Can Drink Your Daily Coffee and Still Get Rich!

Cheers to Your Prosperity

Mar 27 2022 • 44 mins

Is your daily coffee really the reason for your financial struggles?

According to Suze Ormon, “You are peeing $1 million down the drain as you are drinking that coffee.”

Can I tell you how much I love that line?...and I whole-heartedly disagree with it.

I believe (and know) you can get rich (or at the very least have money) and still drink your coffees too.

In fact, by continuing to point the fingers at coffee we end up not addressing the real cause of the financial struggles.

In this episode I go deep into why the coffee blaming is problematic.

Dropping one hint, blaming coffee keeps us in scarcity, which then continues the financial issues.

I also share what I believe is the real reason many of us struggle with money.

Finally, I discuss a really easy and passive way for all of us to build wealth and we can continue drinking our daily coffees.

I do have to share this disclaimer: I am not your accountant and financial coach until you and I work together. Therefore this episode should not to be taken as specific advice for you and your finances. The contents of this episode are for discussion and inspirational purposes only. Therefore follow the advice at your own risk.

With that said, if you would like to work together, visit my website.

Follow me on Instagram and share your thoughts about this episode.

In fact, I'd really appreciate it if you could rate and review this episode.

Lastly, here is the episode website.

Oh, and here is Taylor Conroy’s amazing TEDx talk: How to Build a School in 3 Hours

One more: Check out Profit First!

My friends, I believe we all have a right to prosper.

Cheers to your prosperity!