128. What is Our Responsibility as Space-holders to Comment on Global Tragedies?

The Rooted Business Podcast

Feb 9 2024 • 16 mins

In the landscape of social media, I often find myself at the crossroads of silence and declaration when it comes to global conflicts. It's a place where every post and comment is scrutinized, and things that are happening thousands of miles away from you can press upon your conscience. But what happens when you choose the path of quiet reflection over public proclamation? And why would someone choose to say silent in the face of so much heartache and corruption in the world?  This episode is a heartfelt exploration into the ethical maze of speaking out on complex geopolitical issues, where I open up about the pressures to voice an opinion and the profound realization that sometimes, the most responsible action is to pause and learn.

As we navigate the digital world's expectation for instant reactions to societal events, the art of setting personal boundaries emerges as a vital skill. Here, I share the allure of crafting intimate connections through deep, thoughtful conversations, highlighting the power of subtler forms of support and influence. We don't always need to shout to be heard; often, it's the quiet presence and the space we hold for one-on-one dialogue that can leave an indelible mark on the hearts and minds of others. Join me as we explore the value of the unsung impact of those quieter contributions and discover how they can resonate just as profoundly within the collective narrative.

Kat HoSoo Lee is a trauma-informed Spiritual Business Mentor and host of The Rooted Business Podcast. She uses the tools of somatic and emotional alchemy to guide soulful entrepreneurs to approach their business as a spiritual practice. This allows them to cultivate businesses that are rooted in conscious values, ethical marketing and purposeful service.

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This podcast is made possible with sound production by Andre Lagace.