13 Emotions You Will Experience When Selling Your Advisory Business

ARA Executive Interview

Oct 30 2023 • 16 mins

M&A expert Peter Campagna, Managing Partner at Wise Rhino Group, has a list of common emotions that advisors face when they decide to sell their business.

“Fully 80% of M&A is managing emotions,” Campagna says. “The financial stuff is somewhat easy, but they’re selling their life’s work. They’re serial entrepreneurs who are going to become W-2 employees, and it’s a big mental shift.”

He joins us to run through the 13 emotions that happen in four phases during the process:

  • 1 . Preparation
  • 2. Marketing
  • 3. Due Diligence
  • 4. After the Close

As always, it's a fun and interesting conversation you won't want to miss.

Sponsored by: Wise Rhino Group