The Screen Dilemma: Navigating Children's Tech Use with Care

No sitting on the sideline Dad

Mar 26 2024 • 32 mins

No Sitting on the Sideline Dad Podcast: Navigating Technology with Your Kids

- Join Joe in a conversation with Michael Jacobs, an expert in tech addiction and the Director of Reset Summer Camp. Delve into the world of tech challenges and solutions for children and adolescents.

Insights on Technology Addiction:

- Gain insights into the effects of technology addiction on children.

- Discover Michael’s journey leading to the creation of Reset Summer Camp.

Introducing Reset Summer Camp

- Learn about the camp's unique blend of summer enjoyment, digital detox, and essential life skills.

- Witness the transformation of kids from tech enthusiasts to adept social individuals.

Parenting in the Digital Era:

- Uncover valuable advice for parents on managing screen time effectively.

- Receive guidance on promoting better sleep habits and fostering real-world connections.

Key Takeaways for Listeners:

- Real-life narratives of families tackling tech addiction challenges.

- Practical tips for parents feeling overwhelmed by their children's tech usage.

Additional Resources and Links:

- Explore Reset Summer Camp: [Visit Here](

- PROMO CODE: sideline

Michael emphasizes the importance of sleep and tech-free bedrooms in empowering children to thrive both online and offline.

Engage with Us: We welcome your feedback! Share your insights, anecdotes, and queries on managing technology within your family.