
The Ewe Space Podcast

May 1 2022 • 12 mins

Podsmead, in Gloucester, is getting a multi-million pounds facelift.  The regneneration project has started and will revitalise the area over the next few years.  Podsmead has suffered from years of under-investment and social problems.  But that's already changing.

If you are from the Matson area, and have any ideas, stories, poetry, or music you would like feature on the podcast, or if you would like to get involved as a presenter or community correspondent, please contact us at media-production@glcommunities.org.uk.

Follow us on Instagram @the_ewe_space_podcast and Facebook @EweSpacePodcast and subscribe on Spotify.

This project is funded by GL Communities, Gloucestershire Gateway Trust and and supported by Ewe Space.

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